Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Organizing - to file or not to file?

I have been brainstorming a number of topics for the podcast and the YouTube channel, and I keep coming back to the importance of organization. Case in point - I've created folders and subfolders in Google drive, a set of to do lists in Wunderlist, and a section of my organizer for brainstorming. It may seem like a bit of overkill, but the bottom line is that there is a method to the madness. Everything has its place. If everything didn't have its place, everything would end up being lost because you wouldn't be able to find it. Or would you? Take the Google approach, for example. If we're looking for something on the web, we search for it. Everything is in different locations from a data standpoint, a URL standpoint, a web structure standpoint, but at the same time it is all in one place. OUT THERE. We search for it, and Google goes and crawls the web for us, bringing back whatever we need. Email is this way for me. I put all of my emails in one place. I don't subdivide them into folders. I have one huge archive of deleted emails. When I need to find something, I figure out keywords that will return the items I need. Sometimes I need to refine the searches, but it is a system that works for me. Google Drive, on the other hand, doesn't work for me unless it is organized. My desktop of my computer? Everything is everywhere. My 'documents' folder? Drastic improvement. I tend to be selective about what is organized. Why is this? This is one of the topics I'm researching now, and I'm hoping to figure out best practices depending on scenarios. Do I think there is a 'one size fits all' solution? Not necessarily. But there might be an over-arching structure that would work across scenarios. In the meantime, I guess I'll keep on organizing one way for one thing, and another for another.

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